If you find yourself by chance in a Swedish bookstore, you’ll find two more books I have illustrated earlier in 2019.

Mystyerieklubben och ubåten (‘The Mystery Club and the Submarine’) is part 2 of the new book series I illustrated, written by Swedish author Patrik Bergström, and published by Lilla Piratförlaget. This time Carl and Amanda have to deal with the appearence of mysterious lights in the Vilunda bay!

As usual, I’ve made 30 full-color, action packed illustrations for the book, which can be ordered online from Bokus.

The other book, På jakt efter björn (‘Bear Hunting’), is also the second in a series. På jakt, by authors Anna Hansson and Jennie Elverstig, is a picture book series focused on hunting, exploring different animals, environments, and hunting practices, published by Beta Pedagog.